
Saturday Mornings
At the beginning of January I launched a new pottery class on a Saturday from 11 till 1. So far there is only a couple of people coming so I am hoping that I may be able to recruit some more to give the class some zest.
Intensive Courses
Starting in April I will be running intensive weekends in throwing pottery as well as pottery sculpture. The groups will be very small, a maximum of four on the throwing class and six on the sculpture class. There will also be one-day intensive sessions through the year as well.
Holiday Club

Easter Holiday Kids Group
Bookings are starting to come in for the kids sessions during the Easter holidays but there are a still spaces available. Don’t leave it too long to book a space. The February half term slots were all taken within a week of me starting to advertise.

My little landscape sculptures in a bowl have been attracting some attention and I hope to be able to announce soon a gallery that will be selling them for me.
My little donkeys have been flying out the door... to America. Dont know why they are so popular there but I am not complaing!
Cow sales were great over Christmas and I am quite glad to say that they continue to sell well. I am going to have stuck into making a lot more stuff over the coming month!
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